Celebrate Lunar New Year with a 90 min Breathwork & Reiki journey designed to flow with the essence of the Year of the Rabbit: gentle, nurturing and full of compassion. Join to learn about the theme about the year ahead, release any old, stuck stagnant energy with Breathwork and receive Reiki energy healing for love and balance.
We’ll start with a seated meditation to ground and center ourselves, followed by a guided Breathwork session, amplified with Reiki energy healing to help us feel and move through our emotions. Allow your breath to take you on a self-healing journey to remember your true essence. No previous experience is required. All you need is an open heart and mind.
Energy Exchange: $33
What To Expect:
While the breathing practice is different for everyone and each journey is unique, some benefits and experiences may include:
→ emotional release and healing
→ letting go of old stories, trauma, energy and experiences that no longer serve you
→ a deeper connection to Self and Spirit
→ tapping into your intuition and strength
→ reduced stress and anxiety
→ improved sleep and ability to relax/rest
→ feeling lighter, clearer and more joyful
More about Breathwork & Reiki
Breathwork is a form of active guided meditation, fueled by a consistent, conscious breathing technique that can help you quiet your mind, connect with your body and heart, release stuck energy and emotion, dissolve stress and anxiety, and experience deeper levels of spiritual connection.
Reiki is a Japanese technique that uses the power of invisible life force energy that flows through your body and around your body to promote healing. Reiki translates to “spirit energy”. Relax, receive and release energy blockages that can cause imbalances in your physical and emotional wellbeing.
Breathwork can result in physical and emotional release. Therefore, it is not advised for persons with a history of cardiovascular disease, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, significant recent physical injuries or surgery. Breathwork is not advised for persons with severe mental illness or seizure disorders or for persons using major medications. It is also unsuitable for anyone with a personal or family history of aneurysms. Pregnant women are advised against practicing Breathwork without first consulting and getting approval from their primary care physician. Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their primary care physician. This work is deeply experiential and can enhance healing and personal growth efforts. However, it is not a substitute for professional mental care or medical care. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any mental health or medical conditions and it should not be used in any place of therapy.